Water Contamination And Human Health Workshop
Thank you for joining HNP Ontario and Dr. Romila Verma for our Water Workshop where we discussed the significance of water pollutants and the importance of keeping our water clean.
The workshop covered the properties of water that can be tested to determine if that water is contaminated or not (eg: coliforms, pH, sediment, dissolved oxygen, temperature, electrical conductivity etc.) as well as their potentially harmful health effects. We also had the privilege to screen and discuss Dr Verma's documentaries followed by a short Q&A session!
Thank you to the 100+ participants that took the time to attend our workshop!
Event Details
Sunday, May 26, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Fully Remote (Zoom)!​
Why Is The Issue Important ?
Water is the most important and scarce resource to life and clean water is often very limited.
Drinking and being exposed to contaminated water can lead to the contraction of cholera, forms of polio, hepatitis, and typhoid in humans.
Polluted water limits nutrient content in water for various fish and leave water oxygen depleted, leading to habitat loss for fish and aquatic animals.

Thank you our guest speaker!

An innovative teacher, researcher, speaker, and documentary filmmaker, Dr. Verma is one of the leading voices on global water issues. She is an Instructor with the School of the Environment and Department of Geography at the University of Toronto. She teaches courses on environmental science and water management. Her research work focuses on climate change impacts on freshwater and watershed management. Her other notable work is on source water protection and hydrological analysis of river systems. She is the founder of Not-for-Profit organization- Water Speaks, an initiative that strives to translate the voice of water through research, education, and action. Her award-winning documentary, Water Be Dammed… narrates a compelling journey of Satluj River in Punjab, India, by tracing the story of challenges, hopes and aspirations of water’s will to survive and Rejuvenate. As the Founding Director of Trans Africa Pipeline (TAP), she is working on solutions to provide clean, safe water to the residents of the Sahel region of Africa. TAP is an 8,000 km long freshwater pipeline which will provide clean, potable drinking water to 28-30 million people in 11 countries of the African Sahel through desalination plants. She has received recognition from India’s Aadhi Aabadi Society for her 20 plus years of contribution in the field of teaching, research and finding creative solutions for sustainable freshwater designs. She is also the recipient of best research paper award on climate change by the Environmental Adaptation Research Group (EARG). Outside of work, Dr. Verma is an avid waterscape painter in acrylic. She also enjoys hiking, cooking, gardening and above all, spending time with her family and friends.