June 2022
Invasive Species Pull
In June 2022, Human Nature Projects (HNP) Ontario partnered with Toronto Nature Stewards (TNS) to pull out two invasive plants, dog-strangling vines and garlic mustards from the Middle Mill Area. By volunteering at this event, our team of 60+ volunteers helped to save numerous habitats, the surrounding wildlife, and our native plants!
What Are Invasive Species?
Invasive species are non-native organisms that are introduced to new environments. Because of this, they have no natural predators to limit their spread. As a result, these species cause harm to the environment, the economy as well as human, animal, and plant health. Invasive species tend to threaten native plants (that are important to our ecosystems) by competiting with their resources and territories and therefore, lead to biodiversity loss. Furthermore, invasive species impact our daily lives by threatening our health, culture and connection with the environment. To elaborate, they impact human health by exposing us to new diseases and by being vessels for other diseases.