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2024 Earth Day Competition:
Partnership with TakingITGlobal

For 2024 Earth Day Competition, HNP Ontario has partnered with TakingITGlobal, the Canadian charity aims to empower global youth for positive changes.


TakingITGlobal designs and delivers youth engagement programs that empower young people to understand and act on local and global challenges. Their main focuses are on supporting youth action and social innovation, facilitating "Connected Learning" and fostering creativity and digital skills. 


TakingITGlobal provided participants with an access to Commit2Act app and opportunity to apply for "Green My Classroom"grants. 

Green My Classroom Grants

Participants of Earth Day Competition will have an opportunity to apply for Green My Classroom Grants, which worth $350 CAD. 

Green My Classroom grants are offered by TakingITGlobal and aimed to assist classrooms to adapt 'greener behaviours' while tracking the impact using Commit2Act platform. Some examples of greener behaviours include: planting a garden, community clean-up, plant-based eating, and sustainable travel.


Detailed instructions and information will be available for participants at the virtual orientation session. 

Commit2Act App

Commit2Act app ( is committed to foster climate action and allows users to track CO2 emissions.


Participants of CO2 Reduction Challenge stream will use the app to keep track of their progress. Read below to see how the app works. 

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Step 1:

Make your account and sign in at Downloading an app is completely optional


Step 2:

Once logged in, an user can join preexisting group or create a new group. In Earth Day Competition, there will be one group per school created by student leaders. 


Step 3:

You can log your environmental action item to the program. The app will calculate and show you the amount of carbon you have saved. School with the most amount of carbon in total will be the winner of CO2 reduction challenge stream. 

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